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英文版自我介绍(for english interview)

[ 2007/12/21 17:27:00 | ]

In June. 1998, I graduated from University of Electronic Science and technology of China . my major is Computer science and technology. When I was a college student, I passed CET(College English Test) 6 exam, and was awarded the bachelor degree and the diploma.

      after my graduation, I’ve been working in the IT field for almost 10 years. These 10 years can be divided into 2phases, one is when I was a programmer and one is when I am a project manager

      In the first 4 years(1998-2002), I worked as a java programmer. I had participated in developing several software systems. EDI and MISC are two of the most important and typical systems:

      From 1999 to 2000, almost 2 years, my major work was maintenance of EDI (it’s for  company or factory Customs Claiming).This system is C/S structure, and based on java version 1.1, Sybase database. Because it’s my first system based on java language, so it’s strongly impressed on my memory

After that, from Nov 2000 to Dec,2002, more than 2 years. I was engaged in creating MISC. This system is for CMCC to manage service provider (CMCC means China Mobile Communications Corporation, “China Mobile” for short). It’s based on java, c++, and oracle database, it’s a distribute system. Because it is the first large-scale telecom system I have done, it’s users are more than 50,000000(50 million), and I witnessed the entire process of MISC’s development from zero to being deployed all over china, so I had a good opportunity to learn much knowledge, it’s very valueable for me. During this process, I was involved in both high  and low level designing, coding, testing, deploying, and the maintenance of online system as well. My work covered all the work of the software lifecycle. And I am very proud of constructing this system.

       during the first 4 years when I was a programmer, I got familiar with java, jsp, java servlet, java script, xml, J2EE, and oracle database, etc. I passed SCJP exam with high score and got the certificate.

       above is my programmer career description. and then I worked as project manager in the latest 5 years. there are two phases, one phase is single project management. from 2003 to 2006, I managed several projects. In these projects, I focused no more on any single part of work, instead, I took responsibility for all the work of project, involved in software project lifecycle, such as the scope management, time management, cost management, quality management, resource management, risk management, communication management, and so on.

       Another phase is multi project management, I took my latest job in the R&D management department in the past year. in this position I began to deal with more than one project at one time, practically, there were more than 20 projects simultaneously. I was engaged in collecting and analyzing the data of all the projects in the R&D department, and working out solutions to the problems and risks so as to ensure the fulfillment of all the projects. To achieve this, I had to work with other departments like HR, IT, Finance, and Business as well.

the latest 5 years being a project manager is a raise for me, I learned much more things to benefit my career. and with project management experience, I passed the PMP test, and was awarded PMP certificate.

time flys, ten years on-the-job training , it’s a valuable asset, very valuable.


n         my ideal annual salary would be ??? pretax.

I’ve got some questions about salary

l         are there any other benefits besides the basic salary? Such as whether accomodation is provided here, is there any bonus every year, etc

l         How about traveling allowance if we have to travel on business.


n         about quest company

l         Is this R&D center a branch company or just a representative office? I mean will you register this office as a legal and normal company here? or simply run it as a representative office?

l         what is the goal of this R&D center ?

l         what is the development plan of R&D center in the next two years?

l         What scale will it be? Just like, How about the capital you are going to invest ?How many employees will it hire?




l         How about quest campany?

I think quest has a nice future. I learn about your products from website, these products are very helpful to other organization. I know the requirement of IT company, take my present company for example, as a software provider, we have so many technology problem practically, but we can’t find enough help. Especially application performance tuning. We have used quest’s products, such as TOAD, JProb. But it’s only by individual. Not for company action. There are thousands upon thousands companies like us, so I think quest have bright future.

l         why come zhuhai

     i am from Shenzhen near by zhuhai, I know zhuhai is a beautiful city, and I had came zhuhai several times before, I was attracted by her beauty. And this time, I find such a good job opportunity in your company, so I came here immediately without any hesitation. I am confident that I can do this job very well, and I’ll live zhuhai very happy.


l         what’s you strongpoint and weakness (Strength or strongpoint )

Good at planning and manage my time, and it’s very easy to cooperate with me.

Weakness: sometimes I can’t make a decision quickly, I’ll think it over and over before make decision.


l         What are the problems you have encountered in your job and how do you solve them

A common problem is my team member lacking of enthusiasm, this will postpone all the work plan. This situation, I’ll find a chance to chatter with him. Such as have dinner together. To learn about him, to know what bothering him. And work out  solution with him. Of course, at the beginning when I make a plan, I’ll arrange two person to handle one thing. That means to prepare a backup person for one thing so as to avoid some problem happened to postpone all the plan.


l         What attitude do you take towards life

   Time and tide wait for no man. So I think we mustn’t put things off till tomorrow, if we can do it today. Putting things off just makes it worse, so even if it’s hard at the time, I try to get things done on time and not to let them go.

l         What basic principles do you apply to your life?

    The basic principles I apply to my life are “ true to people, working hard, living simply”. And I will try my best to practice these virtues all my life.

l         What kind of personality do you think you have?

   I think I am a cooperative worker although I am inclined to think independently. And I am initiative and aggressive.

l         Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?

    I am quite candidoutspoken. I enjoy calling a spade a spade and hate talking in a roundabout way. So I would call myself outgoing.

l         What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy?

    Having good friends. A person can’t live all by himself. a friends in need is a friend indeed. So the more close friends, the more happy

l         What do you do in your spare time

   Sports, especial badminton, i am good player on badminton, and traveling in holiday.

l         What kind of films do you enjoy

    Comedy. Cartoon, kongfu

l         Why are you leaving your present job?

    Get broader experience. Improve my position and have more responsibility.

l         Why are you out of work for so long

    Because I am looking for a company that I really want to work for so that I could settle down and make a long-term contribution

l         What do you consider important when looking for a job.

   I think the most important thing is the nature of the job. One should do what he or she is interested in.To me, pleasant working conditions with cooperative colleague are also important.

l         What are your plans for the future?

    I wish to move up to higher positions and take more responsibility with acquisition of more experience in the future.


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