
Ch8.    项目质量管理

-Project Quality Management

Ø        项目质量管理必须考虑项目管理和项目产品两方面

Project Quality Management must address the management of the project and the product of the project

Ø        质量是“内在系列特征满足要求的程度”

Quality is “the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements”

Ø        明确或隐含的需求是项目需求开发的依据,质量管理的一个关键是通过利害关系者分析,将其需求、需要转化为项目范围管理中的要求

Stated and implied needs are the inputs to developing project requirements. A critical element of quality management in the project context is to turn stakeholder needs, wants, and expectations into requirements through Stakeholder Analysis

Ø        质量不等于等级Quality and grade are not the same

n        等级是“对具有相同功能特征,但技术特征各异的实体所规定的范畴或者级别”

Grade is a category assigned to products or services having the same functional use but different technical characteristics

Ø        确定并交付所要求的质量与等级是项目经理与项目管理团队的职责

The project manager and the project management team are responsible for determining and delivering the required levels of both quality and grade

Ø        精确度与准确度不同Precision and accuracy are not equivalent

n        精确度指重复测量的结果呈现聚合而非离散的一致程度

Precision is consistency that the value of repeated measurements are clustered and have little scatter

n        准确度指测量值与真实值非常接近的准确性

Accuracy is correctness that the measured value is very close to the true value

Ø        质量管理与项目管理都认识下列方面的重要性

Both quality management and project management recognize the importance of:

n        顾客的满意度Customer satisfaction

n        预防胜于检查Prevention over inspection

n        管理层的责任Management responsibility

n        持续改进Continuous improvement

Ø        质量成本指与质量相关的所有投入的总费用

The cost of quality refers to the total cost of all efforts related to quality

8.1    质量规划

Quality Planning

Ø        质量靠的是规划、设计,以及实在和和不取巧,而非靠检查

quality is planned, designed, and built in—not inspected in

8.1.1   依据(Inputs)

1.      事业环境因素Enterprise environmental factors

2.      组织过程资产Organizational process assets

Ø        质量原则是“由最高层管理部门正式阐明的,组织关于质量的总的打算和努力方向”

The quality policy, as endorsed by senior management, is the intended direction of a performing organization with regard to quality

3.      项目范围说明书Project scope statement

Ø        限值Thresholds

Ø        验收标准Acceptance criteria

4.      项目管理计划Project management plan

8.1.2   工具与技术(Tools & Techniques)

1.      成本效益分析Cost-benefit analysis

2.      基准对照Benchmarking

Ø        基准对照指通过将项目的实际做法或计划做法与其他项目的做法进行对照,产生改进的方法,或者提供一套度量绩效的标准

Benchmarking involves comparing actual or planned project practices to those of other projects to generate ideas for improvement and to provide a basis by which to measure performance

3.      实验设计Design of experimentsDOE

Ø        实验设计是帮助确定在产品开发和生产中,哪些因素会影响产品或过程特定变量的一种统计方法

Design of experiments (DOE) is a statistical method that helps identify which factors may influence specific variables of a product or process under development or in production

Ø        通过对实验数据的分析,可以得出产品或过程的最优状态,着重指明结果的影响因素并揭示各要素之间的交互作用和协同作用关系

The analysis of the experimental data should provide the optimal conditions for the product or process, highlighting the factors that influence the results, and revealing the presence of interactions and synergisms among the factors

4.      质量成本(COQCost of quality

Ø        预防成本:preventing nonconformance to requirements

Ø        鉴定成本:appraising the product or service for conformance to requirements

Ø        失败成本:failing to meet requirements (rework).

n        内部internal

n        外部external

5.      其他质量规划工具Additional quality planning tools

8.1.3   成果(Outputs)

1.      质量管理计划Quality management plan

2.      质量测量指标Quality measure metrics

3.      质量核对表Quality checklists

4.      过程改进计划Process improvement plan

5.      质量基准Quality baseline

6.      项目管理计划(更新)Project management plan(updates)

8.2    实施质量保证

Perform Quality Assurance

Ø        指通过实施计划中的系统质量活动,确保项目实施满足要求所需的过程

Quality assurance (QA) is the application of planned, systematic quality activities to ensure that the project will employ all processes needed to meet requirements

Ø        往往由质量保证部或组织中类似名称的单位提供

A quality assurance department, or similar organization, often oversees quality assurance activities

Ø        质量保证为过程持续改进活动提供支持

QA provides an umbrella for continuous process improvement

n        过程持续改进刻减低浪费,并减少无价值活动,进而提高过程的效率和效力

Continuous process improvement reduces waste and non-value-added activities, which allows processes to operate at increased levels of efficiency and effectiveness

8.2.1   依据(Inputs)

1.      质量管理计划Quality management plan

2.      质量测量指标Quality metrics

3.      过程改进计划Process improvement plan

4.      工作绩效信息Work performance information

5.      批准的变更请求Approved change requests

6.      质量控制衡量Quality control measurements

7.      实施的变更请求Implemented change requests

8.      实施的纠正措施Implemented corrective actions

9.      实施的缺陷补救Implemented defeat repair

10.shuffercheng 发表于 2007/11/29 18:46:00 阅读全文 | 回复(0) | 引用通告 | 编辑 | 收藏该日志


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